Charter Chapter Members-
Nancy G. Walker, President
Diana Wilson, Secretary
Michele Mangram, Treasurer
John Claude Axberg, Art Director/Webmaster
Darlene M. Axberg, Chairperson
North Central Texas Chapter-
David Wolf, President
Tommie Gujardo, Vice President
Nancy G. Walker, President
Diana Wilson, Secretary
Michele Mangram, Treasurer
John Claude Axberg, Art Director/Webmaster
Darlene M. Axberg, Chairperson
North Central Texas Chapter-
David Wolf, President
Tommie Gujardo, Vice President
We are a small grass-roots nonprofit organization that compiles and sells cookbooks as a fundraiser.
Texans Cookin' For The Cure organization was founded by
Michele Mangram in honor of her mother,
Darlene a two time cancer survivor.
Texans Cookin' For The Cure organization was founded by
Michele Mangram in honor of her mother,
Darlene a two time cancer survivor.
Some History Of Our Organization And Contributions. Texans Cookin’ For The Cure Was First Established In Honor Of Michele’s Mother, Darlene Axberg, In 2005 As Part Of The ACS Event Relay For Life. Initially All Funds Raised Went To The ACS Via Relay For Life To Help Fulfill Our Mission. After Several Years We Realized How Little Of The Contributions Through ACS Actually Go To Help Fund Research And Assist Those In Need While Undergoing Treatment. The Reality Is, In Our Opinion, A Large Portion Of Donations To ACS Are Actually Spent On “Administrative” Fees. The Decision Was Then Made That Money Raised Through Our Cookbooks And Other Fundraising Events Would Be Donated To Patients And Their Families. At This Time We Intend To Donate All Proceeds To The Texas Oncology Foundation As They Share Our Mission. Each Of Our Board Members Volunteer 100% Of Their Time And Energy Thus We Have No Administrative Fees.
Our mission statement is to assist with funding cancer research to eradicate cancer.
We welcome your input and if you would like to share your cancer treatment journey, or would like to volunteer in some capacity, please contact us.